Education – Antique Doctor

Antique Doctor

Antique Doctor     Professional Antique Restoration

Private Talk to Organization or Private Club

Antique Doctor gives talk related to the Western and Chinese antique knowledge, the prospect of the antique market, maintenance, and auction knowledge of the antique market. Etc. Call or Email us if you are interested.       



Education Institution 

More educational talks or sharing can be provided to the University or different institutions by Antique Doctor, one of our missions is to enhance the knowledge of the next generation of the antique and restoration world.

Recently, Antique Doctor Mr. TS Chan was invited to have a talk about “Antique Restoration Case Sharing and Antique Restoration Prospects in Taiwan” in Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan. 


Restoration Class 

Antique Doctor provides some restoration workshops irregularly in Taipei XinHai Road Shop. If you would like to join, please keep an eye out for the NEWS in our HOME PAGE, or IG, or Facebook.     

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